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Uber’s True Crime

Yet another bomb exploded in the series of self-detonations from Uber, with last week’s announcement that the Department of Justice has opened a criminal investigation into the ride sharing behemoth. The onslaught of public relations disasters has been a textbook…

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Skydiving into VR: Han Jin and LucidCam

Combine the drive of an immigrant, the brains of an electrical engineer, and the empathy of a traveler, and what do you get? The story of one young man’s Silicon Valley startup dream. The odds were stacked against Han Jin….

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Vivaldi, The People’s Browser: An Interview with Jon von Tetzchner

Jon von Tetzchner is an imposing man with a grand ambition: to build the people’s browser. His first creation, Opera, ran counter to mainstream browsers, and struck a chord with power and mobile users, drawing an impressive 350 million converts…

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Metromile: Empathy By Design

When you think of car insurance, design thinking and customer empathy don’t exactly leap to mind. More likely, you recall inflated premiums and deductibles, the dreaded submission of interminable forms, and aggressive jousting with bureaucratic claims departments. But Metromile, a…

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