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A Millennial Hunts For Work in San Francisco: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Maybe I’m just not sexy enough for San Francisco. That’s the resounding message I’m picking up from my post-college summer job search. As the world’s startup capital and the center of innovative opportunity, San Francisco seemed to be the ideal city in which…

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Design Thinking The Apple Store

My iPhone 6 went funky on me last week, a product failure that sent me running to my local Apple store. My phone’s speaker was on the fritz, and callers’ voices were tinny. Moreover, “Jon, are you there?” wasn’t a…

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Don’t Let The FBI Hack You: Innovation Wants To Be Free

Here’s why you don’t want the FBI snooping on your iPhone, or anyone else’s. It would be very bad for innovation. “Ideas are so fragile,” Craig Tanimoto, the man who dreamed up the revolutionary “Think Different” Apple campaign, told me…

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Fail Safe: The Man Who Collects Failure

Mathieu Guerville collects failure. Not just any failure. Catastrophes on the scale of Enron, Bernie Madoff, and Lehman Brothers. In a career in which he is charged with picking winners, surrounding himself with objects of failure may be how Guerville…

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