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SmartUp is an intelligent database of stories and insights on entrepreneurship and innovation.

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San Francisco’s Super Bubble

San Francisco, the epicenter of the world’s booming startup culture, is finally showing signs of a real estate bubble, after years of surging prices. All you have to do is follow the money. SF’s rental market for both housing and…

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Design Thinking: The Perfect Interface

Modern life is the interface, the space where you engage, buy, and say yes. It’s the highly designed screen on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or kiosk. It’s how a store coaxes you to part with your money through conscientious design,…

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How to Kill Your Brand: Death by Apology

“Fail often to succeed faster sooner,” is a core IDEO saying that goes to the nub of innovation. Take chances, prototype, tear it all up, and start again. But what about when your company really screws up? What about when…

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Dirty Diesel: VW’s Unclean Hack

Volkswagen’s stupendously wicked, self-inflicted mortal wound reveals an overlooked fact. Hackers delivered this global harm; hackers who likely worked for Volkswagen; hackers who cranked out this nasty code based on the absurd rationale that they thought they were clever and…

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