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SmartUp is an intelligent database of stories and insights on entrepreneurship and innovation.

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The Generosity Principle

We own two cars, and I get each washed two to three times per month at an average price per wash of $20.00. This adds up to $1,400+ a year at my favorite car wash – the one I’ve been…

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The Million Dollar Scholar

Imagine an app designed to hook you up, not with a hot date, but with tens of millions of dollars that institutions need to give away every year, an app that just might pay for your college education, and more…

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Finding Your Ugly Beauties

John Zamora, Evan Lutz, and Zach Nelkin are on a mission to fight food prejudice. Crooked carrots, lumpy potatos, dimpled apples—they’re the ugly ducklings of the produce aisle. Most disfigured produce doesn’t make it to the supermarket. Consumers don’t want…

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Share The Love: Philz Coffee

Giving a friend something small yet meaningful may be one of life’s greatest pleasures. Philz Coffee, the quirky, authentic, community-oriented, slow-drip cafe, understands this in its bones. You come to Philz to escape conformity and commodity blandness (Starbucks, etc.), and to…

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