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SmartUp is an intelligent database of stories and insights on entrepreneurship and innovation.

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Team Swap: Innovative Collaboration

Teams and teamwork are all the rage. Today, this is how we learn, work, and create in corporations, colleges, and universities. I know this first-hand, from my experience teaching at the University of San Francisco. And this past semester, thanks…

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Hitch A Ride To The Future: Uber

Sheryl Connelly, Ford Motor Co.’s futurist, was talking with me about how personal transportation has been stuck in the mud of decades-old technologies, when she stopped mid-sentence. Connelly had just published Ford’s annual projection of future trends, and was largely…

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Smart Start-ups: Best Product Innovations of 2015

Ordering tasty food truck fare by phone to skip the line. Combining improv and humor with PowerPoint slides to enliven business presentations. Cross-pollinating a military technique with an iPhone to elegantly protect the device while celebrating design. Here are SmartUp’s…

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Think Different: Best Innovators of 2015

Think Different. The classic Apple mantra sums up what SmartUp is all about. Engaging stories of entrepreneurs and startups, and succinct insights on innovation and painful products or experiences. Stories that inspire and make you think. Here are our top…

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