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What Stand Up Paddling Taught Me About Innovation

Even the nimblest among us plateau. Just when you think you can’t improve, it’s time to innovate. That’s why on this October morning I’m lying on my back, embarking on a kinetic adventure. The water below is flat as a…

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Skyrunning: The Art of the Possible

Mix running, alpine climbing, and mental grit, and what do you get? Skyrunning: the quirky adventure sport in which you run up and hurtle down mountains for kicks. This isn’t a quick, smooth road race or a slow, steady assault…

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Chocolate Happiness

An apple a day is so yesterday. Instead, why not eat a chocolate bar everyday? Yes, take something bad and make it good. Not just any chocolate bar, but a probiotic-infused chocolate bar. What’s happening here? Treats are being crossed…

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Fast Food Gets Boozy

Want a rich bottle of Pinot with that burger? A smooth Sauvignon Blanc with that Protein Bistro Box? Just like that, fast food and fast coffee joints are crossing traditional barriers and tapping our growing thirst for wine and beer….

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