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Baking a Tech Ecosystem: Lisbon’s Hub Criativo

Up the river from Lisbon’s sparkling central waterfront, a campus-sized, tech hub of the future is taking shape. Everything a modern entrepreneurial ecosystem demands will soon be found here in a reborn former military compound: incubators, fab labs, co-working and…

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Lisbon’s Startup Nexus: Beta-i

Ricardo Marvão, the lanky co-founder of Beta-i, trots up and down the steps to show us his eight-story progeny, Lisbon’s top-rated incubator, explaining on the fly why it has become an international hub for tech founders and Fortune 500 corporates…

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Stanford Launchpad Blasts Off

There’s a revolution in entrepreneurship redefining the way we live, work, and launch companies, and this winter, I’ve had a front-row seat to the action at one of the most iconic proving grounds for startup founders. It all began this…

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AI: Tech’s Alpha Trend

Silicon Valley can be fickle. Bitcoin was red hot last December until it tanked. Before that VR was all the rage, and now AR is thought to be the next big fad. But last week in San Francisco at BootstrapLabs’…

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