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SmartUp is an intelligent database of stories and insights on entrepreneurship and innovation.

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Coding for Comedy: Google’s Chet Haase

This is a story about a geek driven to make people think and laugh, a techie whose love of comedy and improvisation shows us that seemingly extracurricular pursuits can help you come into your own. Meet Chet Haase, a top…

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Cross-Training for Innovation

Call it cross-pollination, transference, or paradigm shift: it’s the heart of innovation. Spotting emerging patterns – plucking an idea from another industry or culture – and then stitching it into a different world. Crossing ideas and influences can feel like…

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Smart Start-ups: Best Product Innovations of 2015

Ordering tasty food truck fare by phone to skip the line. Combining improv and humor with PowerPoint slides to enliven business presentations. Cross-pollinating a military technique with an iPhone to elegantly protect the device while celebrating design. Here are SmartUp’s…

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Chocolate with Benefits

Gigi and Zoë came onto me with candy and drugs at the checkout stand this weekend. Gigi was peppy, Zoë sultry – two creatively packaged supplements crossed with sugary sweets and spiced with sexy cartoon characters. The girls are riding…

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