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Ice Cream Cross

Cross an ice cream cone with fine sliced meat and you get Boccalone’s “world famous” Salumi Cone. Find this apt cross-pollination spiced with prototyping at San Francisco’s entertaining Ferry Building. What better way to sample some of Boccalone’s savory sliced meats, and…

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The Drawing that Sold a Million Books

Four years ago Johanna Basford posted some of her intricate drawings on-line. A publisher came calling and suggested the traditional, a children’s coloring book. Johanna wasn’t interested.  She wanted to captivate adults. It took a while but eventually she developed the perfect…

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Wild Tales: Break the Medium

Wild Tales is just what it sounds like — a raucous, subversive collection of six consecutive film shorts, united by themes of violence and vengeance, with a fair dose of dark comedy. Just minutes into this unconventional movie, I felt…

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The Accident: Tammie Baird

Tammy Baird had a really bad day walking to high school her freshman year. She was hit by a classmate, and went flying, and lay unconscious. The driver thought he’d killed her. Nearly thirty years later, Jeff Wilson, the man…

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